Friday, September 5, 2014

Science, self portraits, and celebrating our September birthday!

The kids were very excited today to receive their 1st grade science journals.  This notebook will be a place where the Starfish will record their science experiments and other science related projects.  This afternoon the kids drew pictures of scientists and tried to incorporate science tools such as magnify glasses, goggles, pencils, notebooks, rules, thermometers in their illustrations. 
We did our first science experiment today.  The experiment was called The Gummy Bear experiment.  We placed gummy bears in a variety of liquids.  We talked about the importance of making predictions before we begin our experiments like true scientists.  The liquids that we used include water, vinegar, salt water, and baking soda.  Some of the predictions the children came up with were gummy bears will get larger, the gummy bears will break apart, the gummy bears will become mushy, and the gummy bears will explode! We are excited to record our results on Monday morning!

We started our self-portraits this morning.  We read the book L, M, N, O, Peas.  This book gave us some ideas of words that describe ourselves.  We talked about each of us being unique and that's what makes us special.  The kids did a great job with their portraits.  They worked so hard on them that we will continue on Monday to finish the project! I will post more pictures next week of our completed artwork!

This weekend another Starfish will celebrate her 7th birthday on September 7th!  She is very excited to celebrate her golden birthday! Mr. Fosher was not in today to sing to her so our new vice principal Mr. Goldsmith came in to sing to our special starfish friend! Happy Birthday, Victoria!

Questions to promote 'School Talk' with your child:
  1. Can you tell me about the Smart Board in your classroom?
  2. What words did you use on your self-portrait to describe you?
  3. What morning meeting greeting is your favorite so far?
  4. Can you tell me about the Gummy Bear Science Experiment?
  5. Can you tell me what a number line is?  How do you play Race to 20?
  6. What's happening in your Melvin Beederman chapter book?

Have a great weekend!

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