Friday, March 30, 2018

Starfish Gazette- March 30, 2018

Upcoming Starfish of the Week:

Week of April 2- Teagan
Week of April 9- Cole G.
Week of April 16- Jordan

Upcoming Dates:

  • Field Trip April 3rd to Portsmouth Music Hall
  • Conferences/Early release April 4th & 11th
  • First Grade presents...
    • FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD HELPERS on Tuesday, May 8th at 6:30 pm.  Stay tuned more details in the next few weeks

Here are some of the learning activities from our week...

- Practiced telling time to the hour and half hour

- Played Collect the Most- A place value game

- Completed I Ready Lessons about telling time

-Played Four Corner War- A game to practice sight word spelling

-Read the book Zero and had a class talk about the main message

- Watched a video how Macaroni is made

- Learning how to use Typing Pal in Maker Space

-Learned four songs in music class for our upcoming Grade 1 musical

-Played 4 square in P.E.

-Used Post-it notes to help retell important part of our series books

- Painted Easter Eggs with Pastel Colors

-Watched our third grade buddies perform a Folk Tale, Peco's Bill

-Wrote Persuasive Letters to our parents

-Made Spring Cards for our families

- We had a visit from the Mad Scientist to learn about sound

Here are some questions to promote School Talk...

1. Can you tell me about the Play that your third grade buddies put on?  What was it about?

2. Can you tell me about the persuasive letter that you wrote during writer's workshop?

3. What did you choose to do for Free Choice Friday?

4.  Can you tell me about the have to centers and choice centers- How do they work?

5. What series books are you enjoying?  Why do you like them?

6. Can you tell me about the mad scientist?  What experiments did you like?

7.  Who was the Starfish of the Week?  What did you learn about her?

8.  Who's birthday did you celebrate on Friday?

9. Can you tell me what you know about telling time?  Can you draw me a clock and show me what 4:00 looks like?  How about 2:30?  What does PM and AM mean?

10.  Can you tell me how you painted your Easter egg? What designs did you choose?

Happy Easter! I hope you have a wonderful weekend with family and friends.

Megan Murphy

Friday, March 16, 2018

Leprechaun Traps and So Much More

Image result for st. patrick's day

Important Upcoming Dates:

Tuesday, March 27- Mad Scientist comes to Grade 1 
(A kickoff to our light and sound science unit for the month of April)

Tuesday, April 3- Grade One Field Trip to Portsmouth Music Hall

Wednesday, April 4 and 11th- Early Releases for Parent Teacher Conferences

Starfish of the Week:

Week of March 19: Brady
Week of March 26: Lauren
Week of April 2: Teagan

Hello Families,

I hope you all enjoyed your snow day on Tuesday.  I am crossing my fingers we are closely approaching Spring temperatures in the next few weeks :)

Even with all the distractions and disruptions of days off and vacations, the kids have truly done a nice job of keeping our routines consistent.  Boy, are you noticing how much your child has grown since the holidays? On Monday mornings, I just look at the kids and say, "Did you grow over the weekend?"  They are not only physically growing, but their maturity, stamina, and independence continues to surprise me.  As we are getting closer towards the end of the year, I am releasing more expectations for independence in the classroom. The kids are surely rising to my challenges daily.  At least once a week, I list a bunch of jobs and tasks for each child to complete with limited teacher support. Some of the jobs may include finishing  an art project from the day before, planning and playing a math game with a partner, or cleaning out their book boxes and shopping for new texts.  The kids are learning how to manage their time, learning how to self monitor their distractions around them, and prioritize their tasks ahead of them.

Writing Opinions

The kids are really enjoying sharing their opinions writing pieces with others.  This week we have learned even more ways to be convincing to our readers.  I modeled how to add personal small moment stories into the writing reviews to make them even more believable.  We also introduced editing pens and markers.  The kids are learning to go back and add punctuation, uppercase letters at the beginning of their sentences, and fixing up basic sight word spelling from our word wall.

On Thursday, we went onto YELP and Amazon to check out some of the reviews from local restaurants and checked out some of their favorite toys and books on Amazon.  I think they found it more exciting to read the negative reviews rather than the positive! We of course agreed with the 344 reviews on Amazon of Mo Willem's Piggie and Elephant books with 98% giving these books 5 stars!

This might be fun idea to write a review together at home on YELP or Amazon with your first grader!  When your child's writing pieces do come home in a few weeks, it would be an exciting experience for your child to publish their review online with a real life audience.  It's powerful for kids to understand that writing is a tool to share opinions and deliver a message to others.


This week the Starfish explored many different activities during math workshop around the concept of measurement. We measured length using nonstandard units such as unit cubes and paper clips.

The kids are learning that measurement units must be the same size, the units must be arranged without gaps or overlaps.

We have also focused on addition and subtraction fact fluency and have played some of our old favorite games from the beginning months of the school year.

A simple game that the kids enjoy is called  Penny Plate. The kids decide how many pennies to begin the game with.  At the beginning of the year we played this game with 5 or 10 pennies.  Now the kids are playing with 10, 15, or 20.

Here's how to play:

One partner hides some of the pennies under the plate and places the remaining pennies on the top of the plate.  The other partner closes their eyes while this is happening.  Once it is time to open your eyes, the partner must decide how many pennies are hiding under the plate.

This is a great game to practice missing addend addition.  This is a simple game to play at home with your child! 

Math Do-Anytime Activities...
1. measure flat objects in your home using paper clips. For example, you might measure the length of your cell phone, the width of a small table, or the length of a spoon. Work with your child to place the paper-clips end-to-end, without gaps or overlaps.

2. Use your fingers to help your child practice combinations to 10.  For example, show both hands with 2 fingers up and rest closed.  Your child should tell you that you have 2 fingers up and 8 fingers down.  Continue with different finger combinations.

3. Draw a bar graph with three categories such as three activities your child likes to do after school.  (ride bike, play with friends, read)  Have your child keep track of the number of times he or she does each activity in a given week. Create a bar graph of the data collected and discuss which activity your child did most often and least often.

Leprechaun Innovation Day
The kids really enjoyed creating, collaborating, and using their imaginations.  Only time will tell if the Starfish will be cleaver enough to trap the Leprechaun on St. Patrick's Day.

Make sure to check out your child's See Saw Account for a picture and voice recording of their opinion writing of their trap!

Way to go 1st Graders!

Questions to Promote School-Talk

1. What special activity did you do with your 3rd grade buddy on Friday?

2.  How do you play Plus What? (math game with the wheels) Can you explain how to play?

3.  What opinion reviews did you write this week?  

4. Tell me how you made your leprechaun trap?  Did you work with a partner?  What materials did you use?

5. Can you tell me about the visitors that came to our classroom during reader's workshop on Thursday?

6. Why did Mrs. Murphy bring in a microphone this week?

7.  Who was the Starfish of the week?  What did you learn about her?

8.  What can you tell me about Rock Brain?  Can you tell me what this means?  When have you had a "Rock Brain Moment"

Here's a picture of the kids learning about Rock Brain during Social Detectives

(Rock Brain is when you are not flexible in your thinking and get "stuck". We are teaching the kids to understand when the are being rock brain and providing strategies to be more flexible in their thinking)

We are excited to begin our new character unit next Monday.  The kids are going to dive into a variety of new series books! 

Have a wonderful weekend! 
Happy St. Patrick's Day! 
Image result for st. patrick's day quote

Friday, March 9, 2018

Starfish Gazette- March 9, 2018

Image result for March
Upcoming Starfish of the Week

Week of March 12- Elin
Week of March 19- Brady
Week of March 26- Lauren

Mark your Calendars...

Tuesday, March 13- No School, Staff In-Service Day

Friday, March 16- Leprechaun Innovation Day- More Details Coming!

Tuesday, March 27- Mad Scientist comes to Grade 1 
(A kickoff to our light and sound science unit for the month of April)

Tuesday, April 3- Grade One Field Trip to Portsmouth Music Hall

Wednesday, April 4 and 11th- Early Releases for Parent Teacher Conferences
A Sign Up Genius will be coming out to you this weekend to sign up for your child's spring conference! 

Learning to write about our Opinions...

Image result for yelp   Image result for amazon reviews

The Starfish have been really enjoying our current unit of study for Writer's Workshop. The boys and girls are choosing a thing or place where they have had a positive or negative review.  We have learned in order to be persuasive in our writing pieces, we must add many reasons to support our ideas.

The kids were very excited to begin writing these opinion reviews before vacation and haven't skipped a beat since being back this week.  So far movies such as Moana, The Emoji Movie, and Frozen have been popular.  Some restaurants the children have enjoyed writing about include The Thirsty Moose, 110 Grill, Dunkin Donuts, and Margaritas. We have also begun reviewing places including Maine, Disney World, and New York City.   

As the kids have gained confidence with their review writing, we have also been increasing our level of persuasion with some simple craft moves.  The kids are learning to add Fancy words such as scrumptious and delectable to describe food items.  Describing an experience as legendary, epic, or delightful rather than just saying good or great.  We also have learned that the more examples and details we can include in our reviews, it becomes more believable to the reader. 

We are writing up a storm and sharing as a community of writers each day! It's so much fun to see their creativity and excitement flow!  As we continue, we will move into looking at Yelp and Amazon Reviews online.  We will then start thinking about writing book reviews to share with others! 

What's Happening during Math Workshop?  
Learning about Measurement and Data

Image result for nonstandard measurement
 During our next math unit, Measurement and Data, we have been working on mastering the following skills listed below. 

  • I can measure 3 objects by length. I can compare the objects using words such as longer and shorter.
  • I can understand that when I measure an object, I must choose a unit so that all the same size. 
  • I can understand that there can be no gaps or overlaps when I measure with a unit
  • I can tell time to the hour and half hour on a digital clock
  • I can tell time to the hour and half hour on an analog clock
  • I can organize, represent, and interpret data up to three categories
  • I can ask or answer questions about my data and graph
When I am looking at my graph...
  • I can figure out the total number of data points of my graph
  • I can figure out how many data points in each category of my graph
  • I can tell how many more or less in each category than in another

Here is just a list of some of the learning activities we completed this week:

- Started reading Frog and Toad series together
-Learned more about Lydia, our Starfish of the Week
- Enjoyed the Read Aloud the The Leprechaun in the Basement
- Created and interpreted bar graphs and pictographs 
-Added poem and songs about Spring Holidays
-Read Fancy Nancy books to get our ideas flowing about Fancy words in our writing
- Had a class talk about the book William's Doll. 
-Made leprechaun artwork 
-Played Place Value Top-It
-Read with partners with our flashlights on Friday
- Mrs. Belanger read the book One. Talked about the importance of standing up for yourself

Questions to promote School Talk...
1. What have been been writing about during writer's workshop?  What have you been reviewing?  Can you tell about your catchy lead?

2. Who did you read with for Flashlight Friday?

3. Can you tell me about the story, The Leprechaun in the Basement?  Can you tell me why the little boy wanted the leprechaun's gold coins?

4.  What was the important message in the story, William's Doll?  

5. Did you add a Fancy Word into your writing this week?  Which one did you choose?

6. Can you tell me something you learned about Lydia, the Starfish of the Week?

7. What did you do in P.E. class this week?

8.  You finished a project in art class, what did you work on?

9.  Mrs. O'Connor introduced some new series to your class?  Can you remember some of the books she talked about?

10.  What was your job this week?

11. Who did you make cards for?

Have a great weekend!

Megan Murphy