Friday, September 19, 2014

Photos from our week

 Thank you to all the Starfish Parents for attending the Curriculum Open House on Thursday night.  I am looking forward to a wonderful year with all of you.  The kids loved reading your notes this morning.  I also wanted to thank you for all your beginning of the year classroom donations.  The foam hand soap has been especially helpful because it speeds up hand washing in the classroom! :)

 Here are some questions to promote 'Home-School Conversations':

1. Can you tell me about your compost science experiment?
2. What is your favorite story to listen to on Storyline Online?
3. What is your favorite math game you have played in the starfish classroom?
4.  Can you tell me about Frog Jump Letters?  Can you write some for me?
5. What happened in your Zach Files chapter book? Can you tell me about the talking cat?
6.  Who do you like sitting with a lunch?
7. Can you tell me about mystery line person?
8. What is Black Basket Trivia?

Have a wonderful weekend!  

Take care,

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