Sunday, January 26, 2014

I forgot to share some technology news...

1. In computer lab this week, the children visited the Starfall site.  This can be accessed from the SMS home page. (They loved using this site in computer class) The children had the opportunity to practice their reading and phonics skills.  This is  great indoor activity if you are looking for something to keep your little Starfish busy on these cold days!

2. If you haven't had a chance to get onto spelling city, I encourage you and your child to try this website to practice the weekly spelling words.  I have had some positive feedback from 1st graders and their parents about the website.  A few weeks ago, your child came home with a username and password. Please contact me if you need more information or have lost your child's information in the paper shuffle!

3. Some IPAD apps that I would like to recommend to you that we are using in the classroom are: 

1. SPIT (a free card game that practices one more one less)
2. Motion Math: Hungry Fish (There is a free and paid version) This is great to build stronger number sense
3. IZEN (a free app that I introduced to the starfish to use in our relaxation center)
4. Everyday Mathematics: Tric Trac.  A great math app to practice addition and math strategy. This app costs $1.99
5. 1st Grade Math: Splash Math: (There is a free and paid version) This app covers every common core standard of 1st grade math.  There are 13 chapters covering 185 math skills. The app costs $9.99 but it might be something to consider to reinforce math concepts at home. 

More app ideas to come soon!! 

4. Each week I receive an updated report on our students using the IXL website.  I am overwhelmed by the success our 1st grade math brains! Congratulations to our 1st grade starfish.  In my most recent IXL report, our class has completed 17, 328 math problems. Way to go Starfish!  Keep up the fantastic math work!  I am so proud of you!

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