Monday, October 29, 2018

10/29/18 Starfish Pictures

Here is a sneak peak into our days of learning:

During math workshop, The Starfish worked with Mrs. Murphy to expand their thinking finding the number 100 more 100 less 10 more 10 less and even 1,000 more or 1,000 less.  We learned that you have to specifically look at the digit in the correct place value to solve these riddles! They were amazing!

We are just wrapping up our second unit of place value.  We will use our skills in place value to help us tackle more strategies for adding and subtracting with larger numbers. This next unit is a heavy one. It is where we learn the traditional way to add and subtract and some other concrete strategies that really teach us what we are doing with the numbers. Although we are working with bigger numbers now, it is still so important that students are working on their math fact fluency. If students can add and subtract numbers in their head up to 20 fluently than they will be able to use these new strategies with fluency as well! 

Solving Science Mysteries

On Monday afternoon we worked in science partnerships. We have been learning about the powerful work of water. This unit helps students develop the idea that water is a powerful force that reshapes the earth’s surface. Students see that water isn’t just something we drink. It carries sand to create beaches, carves out canyons and valleys and, as ice, scrapes entire areas flat.  

We worked in partnerships to create mountains and watched how rivers and streams are formed using spray bottles and blue magic markers! This was so much fun and brought many wonder questions from our scientists!

Fall Harvest Day and Leaf Animal Creations

We were able to rotate through all of the second grade classrooms on Friday for our Second Grade Harvest Day! In each room there were fall activities that kept the day exciting! 

The Starfish really enjoyed having parents and family members join us for this special fall project! They are so proud of their artwork and creativity.  Thank you again for taking time out of our busy schedules to join in on the fun! 

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