Friday, September 7, 2018

A GREAT Start to our Year!

Welcome to the Starfish Blog!

Thank you so much for joining the 2nd grade team on Curriculum Night on Wednesday.  The kids were so excited that you were able to see their classroom and learn about the curriculum.  I plan on sending out the slideshow for those who were not able to make it or wanted to check it out with a closer view.

Over the next few days, I plan on getting you a packet of all the passwords for our online subscriptions for spelling and math.  I am also working on trying to get a grade level subscription to RAZ KIDS that your child used in 1st grade.  As a parent, I think it will be easier if it all comes home organized in a folder rather than sending home sporadically.  

Thank you for all of your help sending in books with your child celebrating their "Reading Life!" The students were excited to read their books and were eager to share about the stories and why they chose them. If your child hasn't brought home their books yet,they are still holding onto to them in their book box. They will come home very soon! :)

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • SMILE BIG because Picture day September 11th

Here's a sneak peak into our first few days in 2nd Grade:
We were sad to see the month of August go, but we were excited that our friend C.S. fixed our calendar for us.  It was his job to be the calendar helper!

The kids totally blew me away with their collaboration skills.  The kids were grouped into teams of three. We worked on conversation skills and found three things in common in each group.  The real challenge came when I gave each team the blank white poster.  Each group had to work together to illustrate their three things in common.  They had to communicate and compromise to figure out what to draw, how to work together, and their overall design.  I could not be more proud of how well they worked together! Way to go, Starfish!

We've had many discussions about how to make our classroom safe, happy, and the best place for learning.  During one of our morning meeting discussions, we came up with this chart of a great classmate. Here's a list of what the Starfish thought a great classmate says, is, and does. We are going to continue to set goals to become the best classmates possible! 

Learning about just right book choices

 The transition to second grade means more responsibility in their choice of books in their book boxes.  As first graders, your child's teacher was helping with the book shopping process.  As your child becomes more aware of how to identify an easy, just right, and not right yet book , the kids will become independent book shoppers.  

We learned that a book is easy not just when we know the words.  We have to consider if we are understanding the story and our reading voice is smooth.  Is our reading voice choppy and robotic or are we reading the way the author intending it to be read?

Even in 8 days, I am quickly learning that this group of Starfish are book worms.  I also am realizing that I am going to need a larger selection of nonfiction animal books and history books (many requests which is so exciting!!) I'm so excited for our year of reader's workshop ahead!  

Check out these new groups of friends during free choice time.  
Marble Maze and Stuffed Animals were popular favorites!

We were very proud of our OKAY projects.  The message of this story is it's okay to not be perfect at everything.  We all have different strengths and goals we are working towards.

What's happening during Math Workshop?
We learned some new math games this week. 

We also tackled our first big math challenge: creating a number scroll from 100 to 1,000! We had a great time working together and created a math resource for us to use all year! Ask your child which section of the number scroll they helped create.

 Next week we will begin learning the routines of math workshop/using a math menu and begin diving into our first math unit!

I am so excited to begin circle notebooks. Each Friday your child will write a letter to you about their week at school.  Over the weekend, we encourage you to write back to your child.  This not only is a great way to communicate with your child about their days at school, but also will become a collections of memories of their 2nd grade year! If you have a busy weekend, please don't worry if it doesn't come back on Monday.  We will just need the notebooks back before Friday! :)

Creating Starfish Class Rules

This week we read Gloria and Officer Buckle and also read our first Scholastic News article about being a Second Grade Classroom citizens.  

Below you will find the classroom rules that we created for a safe, fun, successful year of learning.  There is a copy that came home on Friday afternoon to refer to with your child.  

This is a class that…
Always tries their personal best

Everyone takes care of their personal belongings

Helps others when we need it

Chooses kindness everyday

Works together and listens to each other

Keeps trying when things get challenging

are first time listeners

are safe in all learning spaces

Have a wonderful weekend!
Megan Murphy

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