Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Color collages, science experiments, and more!

Dear 1R Families,

Upcoming Dates/ Reminders:

1.  Please pack your child with a water bottle tomorrow.  The weather forecast is calling for 90 degree weather.
2. Please mark your child's jackets and sweat shirts with your child's name.  At the end of the day, we have had some sweatshirts not being claimed in our classroom.  I think a few of them are forgetting that a sweatshirt or jacket belongs to them.  Thank you!

3. REMINDER: Our open house date has been changed to September 19th 6:30-7:30 in our classroom.  I am looking forward to seeing you then!

4. Picture day is scheduled for Friday, October 10.

5. If you need to respond to my emails or contact me, please do so by using mrochford@sau16.org email just like you have been doing instead of responding to this blog.  You could also reach me at 772-5413 ext. 155. Thank you!  I do enjoying hearing from you! :)


We are having a great start to our week.  We began our first science experiment today using gummy bears.  We are observing what will happen to the gummy bears overnight in water, salt water, vinegar, and baking soda. The kids were SO excited! The children are learning what it means to predict, observe, and record their thinking in science. 

Some of our predictions include:

-I predict in the baking soda-the gummy bear will get bigger and the gummy bear will have spots on it.

- I think that the gummy bear in the salt will have white spots on it.

- In the baking soda- The gummy bear will become bigger and might even explode.

-In the water- I think the gummy bears will absorb the water.

- In the vinegar- the gummy bears might disappear.

-In the water- the gummy bear might shrink.

-In the baking soda- the gummy bears are going to scatter into pieces!

The thinking was amazing!  We are excited to see our results tomorrow.  Ask your child about their predictions tonight!

Last week we focused on colors with our poem of the week. One activity that we did last Friday was paint collage.  It was so much fun to watch the kids work creatively with this open ended project.  Please take a look at our fabulous art work. All of our artwork is hanging in the hallway outside our classroom for you to see at Parent Open House. 

Here are pictures from our first science experiment today.  The kids were so excited to write in their science journals. 

Have a great week!
Megan Rochford

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